It’s time to go ballistic! Ballistic about the world we live in, Ballistic about the things of this world that are taking men out! the apathy of the church to sexual purity, passivity and accountability! Are you Talking about being a Christian or Living being a Christian? It takes no skill or courage to be a passive man and no place in the Bible did the Lord say it would be easy nor does he tell you to be safe or self gratify yourself! Shame does not exist in the the Christian Life, its bad theology and its a jacket we put ourselves in. So if your ready to go ballistic with me and have a voice, rescue your marriage live in conviction and purity and go up the Mountain with other men who are Bold in their faith and not playing Christians and not just settling for church attendance but true discipleship! This is the movement! We are called to more! Blessings Strength and Honor! Were Blowing up the Luke warm and writing the next Book of Acts! Join me!